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We will have in place as of April 6, 2022 the following protocols:


If a child tests positive, or has COVID like symptoms, they will be required to isolate and be out of our program for 5 days from the onset of the last symptom. (This means if they have a fever on day 1 but develop a cough on day 2 they will not come back to the program until 5 days after the cough develops, we understand sometimes coughing may linger for a period of time, but must not be a deep lung cough.)


If a child has an exposure to an individual with COVID and or COVID symptoms, we WILL require them to isolate for 5 days to be sure they do not develop any symptoms and share them in our setting. (This exposure could be in or out of the child care setting)


If a child attends child care, and experience the symptoms or is required to be sent home to COVID symptoms they will be assumed positive for COVID and will be required to isolate for 5 days after the onset of the last symptom. OR children can take the antigen home test on day 3 and return to childcare if the test results are NEGATIVE and they are symptom free.


Children under 5 are unvaccinated, families who travelling outside of Canada are asked to keep their children away from school for 14 days before returning to the program.



We will continue to:


➢ Spend as much time outdoors as we can

➢ Support and encourage children to wear masks while indoors

➢ Educators will wear either N95 or double mask ➢ Sanitize throughout the day and thoroughly clean at the start and end of each day.

➢ Continue with our rigorous hand washing routine

➢ Work and play in PODS with the intention of limiting exposure for all children and educators

➢ Indoor classroom visitor limited to one person at a time and carefully following the pandemic protocols, such as, fill out the hand-washing on arrival, fill out the wellness form and mask-wearing is required at all time on our premises.

➢ Limit our social activities outside of child care to a small bubble

➢ Have drop off and pick up be at the door

➢ Encourage and support children to eat only the food they bring from their own home.

Symptoms for COVID 19 include:


• Fever or chills

• Cough

• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing • Fatigue

• Muscle or body aches

• Headache

• New loss of taste or smell

• Sore throat

• Congestion or runny nose

• Nausea or vomiting

• Diarrhea

We ask you to continue to:


➢ Be vigilante in watching the health of your child and family.

➢ Fill out the health forms accurately each day

➢ Report any exposures to the centre

➢ Send your child only when healthy

➢ Continue to support your child to wear a mask when possible


We want to thank the many families who have been so very supportive as we work hard to keep our centre a healthy and fun environment for our children, families and educators.


Thank you from the Deer Lake Team

Find us:


Deer Lake Child Care Full-day program


5135 Sperling Ave., Burnaby

BC V5E 2T2



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